lately ban.do has really been turning into a giggly girls club, and jamie and i couldn't be happier. there are 7 of us now and we have all become fast friends. this weekend we gathered for a screening of "Valentino: The Last Emperor." we all agreed it would be appropriate to stay in our pj's and head to jamie's house on sunday morning. we ate bagels, and berries with fresh whipped cream (thanks, jamie), sipped champagne cocktails and oohed and ahhhed over the work of the creative genius that is valentino (oh and that spray tan is pretty darn impressive, too). in honor of the man, the myth, the legend, our monday=funday coupon code is "valentino." the first two glam gals to enter it at checkout will get $50 off of any one piece from our ban.do line. woo hoo and a hip hip hooray and hurry up, cause these coupon codes are getting popular.
beautiful image via one of our favorite blogs, this is glamorous.